When your order is dispatched by our team, you will receive an email or text message (depending on what contact method you entered at checkout when placing your order) with your delivery tracking number. This will link to the courier website where you can see tracking for your parcel. We recommend checking this link regularly until arrival to stay up to date throughout your parcels journey!


If an item in your order is shown as a ‘pre-order’ on the item page, this means your order will ship at a later date instead of within our usual dispatch estimates. Purchasing on pre-order ensures you are able to confirm a piece as yours before it sells out, which is then dispatched to you during the estimated delivery date. You can find the estimated delivery date for any items on pre-order on the specific item’s product page. This is located just under where the price is shown, and just above the size selector is shown. When you purchase an item on ‘pre-order’ with us, you have paid for the item price in full and there are no further charges expected on our website for the item later on. You will receive a dispatch confirmation via email as soon as our warehouse has dispatched your order!


We aim to dispatch all orders in 1-3 working days, unless an item in your order is on pre-order or has a high volume dispatch time. These notes can be found displayed under the price on the product pages for each item!


You should automatically receive an order confirmation email as soon as your order has been confirmed. If you haven't received this within 30 minutes of successfully placing your order, please check your spam/junk folders as sometimes they can end up in there! If you still have trouble finding it, please reach out to us via email at ContactSinnersCollection@Gmail.com where a member of the club experience will get back to you asap so we can help you with this!


If you haven't received your order yet and think you should have, first please check your email inbox for an order confirmation and shipping confirmation. Your shipping confirmation will include full tracking details for your order. We recommend checking your spam/junk folder too just incase you can't find this email! If you are still having trouble finding this information, feel free to send us an email at ContactSinnersCollection@Gmail.com and we will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours (Mon-Fri) to help in anyway we can!


We accept most major credit or debit cards these include AMEX, Apple Pay, Diner Club, Discover, Google Pay, Maestro, Mastercard, PayPal, Shop Pay, Visa.